Monday, April 23, 2012

Richard Simmons and Ewok...

Well... First day of my blog.  A glimpse for all into my little world... I'm not really sure why this impulse to blog has hit me.  I'm not a creative writer, nor am I much of a journal-ista (yep, invented a new word).  Alas, I will venture on with this little project and see what is to come.

I can't really say that I decided to write this blog with a purpose.  I don't have any great tips for getting gum out of the carpet, or any creative recipes to share... Just my random thoughts.  Which can be very, very random... That was your disclaimer; don't say I didn't warn you.

I guess right now the main think flying though my brain is my quest to attain the body I had at 18.  (Who isn't trying to do that?)  When I was 18, I was going to school 6-ish hours a day, working out 4+ hours a day, and working 6 hours a day... All of my spare time was filled with driving and sleeping.

Of course back then, I thought I was a chunky-monkey with a lumpy butt.  I look back now and think, "How come I never knew I had a hot twin?"  The last 8 years, I have not been treating my body too kindly... I stopped the 4+ hours of exercise (a.k.a.: college water polo), but kept the appetite.  And while I've been working on my overall goal of health for 3 months now, have lost 30 pounds and one pants size, the road ahead is still so. Freaking.  Long.

Still, 67 pounds is a much smaller amount than 97 pounds.  And I don't intend for this to be a Richard Simmons-esque weight-loss-journey blog, but that's part of what's going to be on my brainwaves until I get to my goal.  I'm starting to taste success, and I like the flavor.

On another note, have you seen those mini fridges that look like R2-D2?  (You haven't? Okay then, click here...)They are AWESOME!!!  I want my fantasy Rumpus Room to contain that, the new Star Wars XBOX 360, and a faux Ewok skin rug. (Picture a bear skin rug, but Ewok.  And faux because Ewok's are cute.)

Don't worry, I'll invite you over for some blue milk.